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Thread and Context Management

This section covers all functions related to thread management and context-level handling.

Thread and Context Functions


Returns the current thread's context level.

Description: getthreadcontext retrieves the current execution context level of the thread, which determines what actions the thread can perform within the game.

Returns: - (number): The context level of the current thread.


Sets the current thread's context level.

Description: setthreadcontext sets the execution context level for the current thread, which can elevate or limit the permissions for executing certain actions.

Arguments: - level (number): The context level to set for the thread.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the context level was successfully set.


Queues a script to be executed after the next teleport.

Description: queue_on_teleport allows you to schedule a script to run automatically after the player has teleported to a new server.

Arguments: - script (string): The script to be queued for execution.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the script was successfully queued.


Returns the current thread's identity level.

Description: getthreadidentity retrieves the identity level of the current thread, which can provide information about the permissions assigned to the thread.

Returns: - (number): The identity level of the current thread.


Sets the thread identity.

Description: setidentity changes the identity level of the thread, which controls the permissions for interacting with certain game components.

Arguments: - level (number): The identity level to set for the thread.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the identity level was successfully set.