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Signal and Event Management

This section covers all functions related to signal and event handling.

Signal and Event Functions


Fires a signal, including engine connections.

Description: firesignal triggers a specific signal, calling all connected listeners, including those tied to game engine events.

Arguments: - signal (RBXScriptSignal): The signal to be fired.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the signal was successfully fired.


Emulates triggering a ProximityPrompt.

Description: fireproximityprompt allows you to simulate interacting with a ProximityPrompt, which is typically activated by a player in-game.

Arguments: - prompt (ProximityPrompt): The proximity prompt to be triggered. - distance (number, optional): The distance from which the prompt is fired (defaults to maximum).

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the prompt was successfully fired.


Emulates a Touched event on to_touch with part.

Description: firetouchinterest is used to programmatically fire a Touched event, emulating physical contact between two parts.

Arguments: - part (BasePart): The part initiating the touch. - to_touch (BasePart): The part to be touched. - toggle (number): Indicates whether the touch is beginning (0) or ending (1).

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the touch event was successfully fired.


Emulates clicking a ClickDetector.

Description: fireclickdetector simulates a player clicking a ClickDetector, which is used to interact with parts in the game.

Arguments: - clickdetector (ClickDetector): The click detector to be activated. - distance (number, optional): The distance from which the click is fired (defaults to maximum).

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the click event was successfully simulated.