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Miscellaneous Functions

This section covers various functions that do not fit into other specific categories.

Miscellaneous Functions


Returns "Script Executer Name" and version string.

Description: identifyexecutor identifies the executor being used, providing details such as its name and version.

Returns: - (string): The name and version of the executor.


Returns true if the game window is active.

Description: iswindowactive checks if the game window currently has focus, which can be useful for determining user attention.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the window is active, false otherwise.


Compresses data using LZ4 compression.

Description: lz4compress compresses the provided data using the LZ4 algorithm, making it smaller and easier to store or transfer.

Arguments: - data (string): The data to be compressed.

Returns: - (string): The compressed data.


Decompresses LZ4 compressed data.

Description: lz4decompress takes compressed data and restores it to its original form using LZ4 decompression.

Arguments: - data (string): The LZ4 compressed data.

Returns: - (string): The decompressed data.


Encodes input in Base64.

Description: base64_encode encodes a given string into Base64 format, which is often used for data transmission and storage.

Arguments: - input (string): The string to be encoded.

Returns: - (string): The Base64 encoded representation of the input.


Decodes input from Base64.

Description: base64_decode takes a Base64 encoded string and decodes it back to its original form.

Arguments: - input (string): The Base64 encoded string.

Returns: - (string): The original, decoded string.


Provides encryption and hashing functions.

Description: crypt provides a set of encryption and hashing utilities, which can be used to secure data.

Arguments: - operation (string): The type of operation (e.g., "encrypt", "decrypt"). - data (string): The data to be processed.

Returns: - (string): The processed data after encryption or decryption.


Provides caching functionality.

Description: cache allows you to store data temporarily for quick retrieval, reducing the need to recompute or reload it.

Arguments: - key (string): The key under which the data will be cached. - value (any): The value to be cached.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the data was successfully cached.


Accesses drawing functions for rendering GUI elements.

Description: Drawing provides access to various functions for drawing and rendering custom graphical elements within the game window.

Arguments: - type (string): The type of drawing (e.g., "Line", "Text").

Returns: - (object): A drawing object with methods to manipulate the rendered elements.


Compares two instances for equality.

Description: compareinstances checks if two given instances are the same, which is useful for verifying object references.

Arguments: - instance1 (Instance): The first instance to compare. - instance2 (Instance): The second instance to compare.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the instances are equal, false otherwise.