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Metatable and Closure Management

This section covers all functions related to metatable manipulation and closure handling.

Metatable and Closure Functions


Returns an object's metatable, ignoring the __metatable metamethod.

Description: getrawmetatable allows access to the original metatable of an object, bypassing any restrictions that may be in place via the __metatable field.

Arguments: - object (table): The object whose metatable is to be retrieved.

Returns: - (table): The original metatable of the object.


Sets an object's metatable, ignoring the __metatable metamethod.

Description: setrawmetatable sets a new metatable for an object, even if the __metatable field is present, which normally prevents modification.

Arguments: - object (table): The object whose metatable is to be set. - metatable (table): The new metatable to assign.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the metatable was successfully set, false otherwise.


Clones a function.

Description: clonefunction creates an exact copy of a Lua function, which can then be used independently of the original.

Arguments: - func (function): The function to be cloned.

Returns: - (function): The cloned function.


Creates a C wrapper around closure.

Description: newcclosure wraps a given Lua function in a C closure, which can improve performance and security when interacting with certain systems.

Arguments: - closure (function): The Lua function to wrap.

Returns: - (function): The C closure wrapping the original function.


Hooks a Lua or C function in-place. Returns a copy of the original function.

Description: hookfunction replaces a target function with a new function, allowing custom behavior to be injected. The original function is returned for further use if needed.

Arguments: - target (function): The function to be hooked. - replacement (function): The function that will replace the original.

Returns: - (function): The original, unhooked function.


Hooks a metatable method.

Description: hookmetamethod allows you to replace a specific method in an object's metatable, enabling custom behavior when that method is called.

Arguments: - object (table): The object whose metatable method is to be hooked. - method (string): The name of the method to hook. - replacement (function): The function that will replace the original method.

Returns: - (function): The original method before it was hooked.


Sets a table's read-only flag.

Description: setreadonly is used to make a table read-only, preventing further modifications to its keys or values.

Arguments: - table (table): The table to modify. - readonly (bool): Whether the table should be set to read-only (true) or writable (false).

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.


Equivalent to setreadonly(table, false).

Description: makewritable is a convenience function to make a table writable, allowing modifications.

Arguments: - table (table): The table to modify.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the table was successfully made writable.


Equivalent to setreadonly(table, true).

Description: make_readonly is a convenience function to make a table read-only.

Arguments: - table (table): The table to modify.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the table was successfully made read-only.


Sets a property's scriptable flag.

Description: setscriptable controls whether a property of an object can be accessed or modified by scripts.

Arguments: - object (Instance): The object whose property is to be modified. - property (string): The name of the property. - scriptable (bool): Whether the property should be scriptable (true) or not (false).

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.


Returns whether a property is scriptable.

Description: isscriptable checks if a specific property of an object can be accessed or modified by scripts.

Arguments: - object (Instance): The object whose property is being checked. - property (string): The name of the property.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the property is scriptable, false otherwise.