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Input Management

This section covers all functions related to managing keyboard and mouse inputs.

Keyboard and Mouse Functions


Simulates a key press for the specified KeyCode.

Description: keypress sends an input signal to simulate pressing down a key on the keyboard.

Arguments: - keycode (string): The code of the key to be pressed.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the key press was successfully simulated.


Simulates a key release for the specified KeyCode.

Description: keyrelease sends an input signal to simulate releasing a key on the keyboard.

Arguments: - keycode (string): The code of the key to be released.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the key release was successfully simulated.


Simulates a key release.

Description: KeyRelease is used to simulate releasing a specific key on the keyboard.

Arguments: - keycode (string): The key code to be released.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the key release was successfully simulated.


Moves the mouse to the specified absolute coordinates.

Description: MouseMoveAbs sets the mouse position to specific absolute screen coordinates.

Arguments: - x (number): The X coordinate to move the mouse to. - y (number): The Y coordinate to move the mouse to.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse movement was successful.


Moves the mouse relative to its current position.

Description: MouseMoveRel moves the mouse by a specified offset relative to its current position.

Arguments: - dx (number): The change in X position. - dy (number): The change in Y position.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse movement was successful.


Simulates a left mouse click at the current mouse position.

Description: mouse1click sends an input signal to simulate a left mouse button click.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse click was successfully simulated.


Simulates a right mouse click at the current mouse position.

Description: mouse2click sends an input signal to simulate a right mouse button click.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse click was successfully simulated.


Simulates a left mouse button press.

Description: Mouse1Press simulates pressing the left mouse button without releasing it.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse button press was successful.


Simulates a right mouse button press.

Description: Mouse2Press simulates pressing the right mouse button without releasing it.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse button press was successful.


Simulates a left mouse button release.

Description: Mouse1Release simulates releasing the left mouse button.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse button release was successful.


Simulates a right mouse button release.

Description: Mouse2Release simulates releasing the right mouse button.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse button release was successful.


Simulates a scroll event.

Description: MouseScroll simulates scrolling the mouse wheel forward or backward.

Arguments: - direction (string): The direction to scroll, either "up" or "down".

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the scroll was successful.


Moves the mouse relative to its current position.

Description: mousemoverel moves the mouse by a specified offset relative to its current position.

Arguments: - dx (number): The change in X position. - dy (number): The change in Y position.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse movement was successful.


Moves the mouse to the specified coordinates.

Description: mousemoveabs sets the mouse position to specific screen coordinates.

Arguments: - x (number): The X coordinate to move the mouse to. - y (number): The Y coordinate to move the mouse to.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the mouse movement was successful.