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File and Folder Management

This section covers all functions related to file and folder operations.

File and Folder Operations


Recursively creates directories. Returns true on success.

Description: makefolder creates a folder at the specified path, including any necessary parent directories that do not already exist.

Arguments: - path (string): The path where the folder should be created.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the folder was successfully created, false otherwise.


Deletes a file.

Description: delfile removes the specified file from the file system.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to the file to be deleted.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the file was successfully deleted, false otherwise.


Deletes a folder.

Description: delfolder removes the specified folder and all its contents from the file system.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to the folder to be deleted.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the folder was successfully deleted, false otherwise.


Reads a file from the workspace folder.

Description: readfile opens the specified file and returns its contents as a string.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to the file to be read.

Returns: - (string): The contents of the file, or an error message if the file could not be read.


Writes to a file in the workspace folder.

Description: writefile creates or overwrites a file at the specified path with the provided content.

Arguments: - path (string): The path where the file should be written. - content (string): The content to be written to the file.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the file was successfully written, false otherwise.


Appends to a file in the workspace folder.

Description: appendfile adds content to the end of an existing file without overwriting its current contents.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to the file to append to. - content (string): The content to append to the file.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the content was successfully appended, false otherwise.


Returns an array of file names belonging to a folder.

Description: listfiles retrieves the names of all files contained in the specified directory.

Arguments: - path (string): The path of the directory to list.

Returns: - (table): A list of file names within the specified directory.


Returns true if the path refers to a file.

Description: isfile checks if the given path points to a file.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to be checked.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the path refers to a file, false otherwise.


Returns true if the path refers to a folder.

Description: isfolder checks if the given path points to a folder.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to be checked.

Returns: - (bool): Returns true if the path refers to a folder, false otherwise.


Equivalent to loadstring(readfile(path)).

Description: loadfile reads the contents of a file and compiles it as a Lua function, similar to how loadstring works.

Arguments: - path (string): The path to the file to be loaded.

Returns: - (function): The compiled function from the file's contents, or an error message if compilation fails.