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Environment and Script Management

This section covers all functions related to environment and script management.

Environment Functions


Returns Seliware's global environment table.

Description: getgenv allows you to access and modify the global environment table.

Returns: - (table): The global environment table.


Returns the game's global environment table.

Description: getrenv provides access to the game's global environment, allowing inspection and modifications that affect game-specific variables and settings.

Returns: - (table): The game's global environment table.


Returns a list of all nil-parented instances referenced by Lua.

Description: getnilinstances retrieves instances that are no longer parented, but are still referenced, which can help with tracking hidden or unexpected game objects.

Returns: - (table): A list of nil-parented instances.


Returns a list of all loaded ModuleScripts.

Description: getloadedmodules lists all ModuleScript instances that have been loaded into the environment.

Returns: - (table): A list of loaded ModuleScript instances.


Returns a list of all loaded scripts.

Description: getscripts provides a list of all currently loaded Lua scripts, useful for understanding what scripts are active.

Returns: - (table): A list of loaded Lua scripts.


Returns a list of all instances referenced by Lua.

Description: getinstances allows access to all instances currently referenced in the Lua environment, including objects that may not be present in the DataModel.

Returns: - (table): A list of referenced instances.


Returns the Lua environment associated with the main function of script.

Description: getsenv is used to get the environment of a specific script, allowing access to its local variables and functions.

Arguments: - script (Script): The script whose environment is to be accessed.

Returns: - (table): The environment table associated with the script.

Script Functions


Returns the main function associated with script.

Description: getscriptfunction retrieves the main function from a given script, allowing you to examine its behavior and logic.

Arguments: - script (Script): The script to retrieve the function from.

Returns: - (function): The main function of the script.


Returns the closure of a script.

Description: getscriptclosure provides the closure (function environment) of a specific script, enabling deeper access to its internal logic.

Arguments: - script (Script): The script to retrieve the closure from.

Returns: - (function): The closure of the script.


Returns the bytecode of a script.

Description: getscriptbytecode retrieves the raw bytecode of a given Lua script, which can be useful for analyzing or modifying the script at a low level.

Arguments: - script (Script): The script to retrieve the bytecode from.

Returns: - (string): The bytecode of the script.


Allows for requiring game modules from higher contexts of script execution.

Description: require is used to load a module script within a higher execution context, enabling the use of functions and variables defined within the module.

Arguments: - module (ModuleScript): The module script to require.

Returns: - (varies): The result of the module script's execution.


Equivalent to Lua 5.1's loadstring.

Description: loadstring dynamically compiles a string into a Lua function. This is useful for executing arbitrary code at runtime.

Arguments: - code (string): The Lua code to compile and execute.

Returns: - (function): The compiled function, or an error message if compilation fails.